The Keys to Breakthrough


If you decide to pray with the video from last night’s prayer night you will find that it is all about “Breakthrough”. What do I mean by Breakthrough? Breakthrough is the place where life-changes happen. In the life of a church, it is when the Holy Spirit is in control. The people are being saved, healed, baptized in power and relationally filled with love. This is always my goal in a breakthrough.

I’ve also seen breakthrough for individuals be financial, emotional, spiritual and relational. I see it in my mind as truth violently hitting the deception or lie that has kept us from believing our heavenly Father! Remember it is the Intimate knowledge of the truth that brings freedom!

Breakthrough is not always a one-time thing. Although it can come all at once but I’m never surprised when it comes in smaller installments as we grow and pray. There have been some things that get a break, but then the season changes and another break is needed. So with that said…


At the end of this week is an encounter retreat at the church where I am the prayer pastor. It is a weekend that requires a breakthrough! A real move of God cannot be manufactured by us.

That is part of the thought process that was over my heart as I prayed the better part of the day on Tuesday. I use the word pray as including time in the Word. I also had some emails and such to answer as part of my office duties since we are in encounter week.


The Lord spoke during the day about three areas that we needed to see “Breakthrough” this week so the prayer people could pray effectively.

1. Encounter
2. Sunday services/weekend services
3. Network pastors (they are pastors that come to our church and our senior pastor ministers and mentors them)

With breakthrough in mind I used the verse out of Micah.

Micah 2:13 (NKJV)
13 The one who breaks open will come up before them; They will break out, Pass through the gate, And go out by it; Their king will pass before them, With the LORD at their head.”


When we come to pray together for breakthrough I look for several things to happen. I love when it all happens in one night. When I first started leading prayer in the church where I am now, it took more than one night for these three things to happen. After years of prayer here, it can happen in one night so don’t get discouraged if the process takes a little while.


1. First we come into agreement with God that He wants breakthrough (We did this with scripture)
2. Then we identify the areas that the Holy Spirit wants broken through and we come into agreement with that Word (the Word of God) and we speak and pray it
3. Then we do spiritual warfare

Why do we do warfare? Didn’t Jesus already take care of that? Yes!!! Jesus did take care of defeating the devil so we are now Jesus’ representatives in the earth (Bible calls us ambassadors) to enforce the victory that Jesus bought and paid for with His own blood!

Matthew 12:29 (NKJV)
29 Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he will plunder his house.

Jesus makes it known in these verses, in the context of the demonic, that there are strategies formed by darkness to protect Satan’s interest. So if we are going to see the release of the captives of an enemy, we must use our spiritual authority to bind darkness and to set the prisoners free. On the video you will hear me do this very thing using authority.

These three things will release breakthrough!!!!


Many ask me how they can see a breakthrough of the Holy Spirit in their church. This is what I say. “God wants to breakthrough more than you want Him to!” So you may wonder what the problem is.

Is God weak? Can He not breakthrough and revive His church and transform a city? I assure you that He is not weak or incapable of getting the job done. Truth is, Jesus already completed the task of releasing the entire human race from the arms of wickedness if they will accept His sacrifice on the cross sealed by His resurrection.

But there is dark propaganda in the world running interference with the hearts and minds of the people. So even though their freedom and breakthrough has been secured, a cleverly formed lie keeps them from God’s intentions over their lives.

So here we are on the earth amidst darkness that is technically defeated but still active and we must agree with God’s Word and pray and bind and loose. This is why we are intercessors…prayer warriors…watchers on the wall. To enforce what Jesus did for the people. That’s why we use our authority!


If you will keep after it concerning these three things, then you will see breakthrough in due season and changes will begin to be obvious.


Over the years, I have seen this type of relationship with praying people, the Lord Jesus and His Spirit bring a move of God everywhere we have done it. It has worked in small churches and large ones, in schools and places of business.


This time of prayer can be used to help you know how to pray over areas of life that need breakthrough.


I had a word of knowledge about a woman who thought dreams about people dying, and then they did die, was a gift. She was there at prayer and came up afterward and we renounced that demonic gift and time will tell she is free of that terrible burden!!!


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2017

The Purpose for This Blog

The purpose for this blog

I have been leading a Tuesday night corporate prayer meeting in various churches throughout almost 40 years of ministry. I will have to admit, I never intended to be on a church staff as a Prayer Pastor. I would say it just happened but when you serve Jesus nothing is accidental but by divine design.

The purpose for this blog is to take the process that the Holy Spirit guides me through weekly to lead the Body of Christ in prayer and give the information to you. My prayer is that it will help you learn how to work with the Holy Spirit to see breakthrough in your church, business, home and relationships.

What happens on Tuesdays before the evening corporate prayer time?

Tuesdays are preparation days for me as much as possible. I take my time with Jesus very seriously. After all, He is the King! I am convinced that leading the people in prayer is important to everything the church accomplishes. With that in mind, I want to make sure that I am working with the Holy Spirit to lead the people.

I am on staff at a large church and Prayer Pastor is my title, but it is still a fight sometimes to avoid letting the business of ministry edge in on preparation time. My goal for Tuesdays is to be in prayer and in God’s word for the majority of the day. Don’t let that intimidate you. To spend long times with Jesus just start with short times. After a while long times won’t seem so long and it gets easier.

I am not mosaic

There are those that can come in and out of concentration but I am not one of them. If my focus is broken, it takes a while to get it back. That is why I choose to remain alone with Jesus on Tuesdays. I like to have a clear head and heart so I am sensitive to the voice of His Spirit. Many days I don’t come into my time with Him with a clear head and it takes a while to unload all of it in prayer before I can just enjoy Jesus. Then I go back and forth talking to Jesus and reading His Word. I spend time praying in my prayer language as well.

Yesterday’s prep time

If you decide to click on the link and pray with me you will hear part of the process.

The first part of the prayer last night was based on the Word the Lord gave me at the end of last year 2016.

“There will be a cosmic clash between truth and deception this year.”
This equals “breakthrough” but the intercessors must do their part in prayer.

I mulled over that and prayed over that during the day Tuesday.

This led to us spending a good while praying over truth in the corporate prayer meeting. We prayed God’s Word about truth; where it comes from, what it is, and for it to prevail. We prayed this over our nation, city, churches and families.

The end of the prayer time we prayed a “Psalm 57 grace”. This came out of a dream the night before where God would speak to me after He helped me in the dream and identified His help as “a Psalm 57 grace”.

Since I wasn’t sure what Psalm 57 was I got up and read it the next morning and it resonated that we were to pray the Psalm 57 graces (God’s divine empowerment) over the church. I meditated on Psalm 57 during the day on Tuesday as I prepared to lead the church in prayer. By the way, 5 is the number for grace and 7 is perfection, the God number.

As we prayed in the video I explain a little more. If you decide to pray with the prayer night, just put in the name of your city, church and family as you come into agreement.

You may notice that we will pray a lot of scripture. There is a reason for that. It’s not because I don’t have anything to say. It is because that is how we can pray the ultimate prayer of agreement.

Matthew 18:19-20 (NKJV)
19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth    concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them  by My Father in heaven.

20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.

When I was young I used to think that we were just to be in unity and whatever we asked would happen. That definitely has some truth in it. But have you ever tried to get a room full of people in agreement about anything?

I have found over the years in corporate prayer that if we can come into agreement with God’s Word together, that is the place of miraculous answered prayer!!!!!!

I hope you will hang out with me in the prayer service. I’m believing God for your breakthrough!


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2017