Why Pray?

Why pray. Why do we want to pray?

This is a talk we had at Trinity Church back at the end of October on why we want to pray. You might be surprised at the reasons I give for us wanting to pray. I try to make this topic simple and relatable.

You may not have been to the auditorium venue at Trinity so let me describe it so I can provide a story. It has a large platform the length of the front of the auditorium, then a flat area leading into the back where theater seats reach to the ceiling. On one side is a painted wall and on the other side is a set of floor to ceiling shaded windows that look out into a park. The flat flooring seating feels more homey and the theater seating feels further away and out of the main flow of the service. Different types of people like to seat in different sections. Those who have radically prioritized Jesus as part of their lives like to live on the front row. Those who are still considering if they believe any of this like to float around the top of the theater seating so they create a little personal distance between themselves and what’s going on at the platform until they make up their minds and commit. Neither of these positions are good or bad, they just are what they are.

Now my story.  I enjoyed watching the audience while I spoke. Some of the big strong men up at the top of the theater seating, who worked really really hard not to be involved during the first of the service, literally came to the edge of their chairs and remained involved during the whole conversation.

I think you will find this a fresh word for you on why pray.


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2017