Mark 16



I have been back from a sabbatical rest for a couple of weeks.  I have to say, the rest has been good for me.  I hear the Lord with more confidence when I am rested.


The first Tuesday night back September 5, I felt that the Holy Spirit was telling us to pray against a spirit of slumber across the American church.  You know that everyone isn’t asleep but as a whole, there is a whole lot of sleeping going on.  We also prayed over the hurricane and used the truth from the Book of Mark of “speaking to the mountain”.  We spoke to the hurricane that was set to decimate Florida.  We didn’t get all that we wanted but I believe that the prayer of God’s people made a difference in what could have happened.  Nevertheless, we will continue speaking to things because Jesus tells us to.  If you need encouragement and boldness pray with the September 5th prayer meeting.


This last Tuesday night, the Lord began to speak to me about praying about Mark 16.  These signs shall follow them that believe.  I look around and see us and then look at the scripture and there seems to be a disconnect.  Don’t misunderstand, I know there are things that are happening but not to the degree we saw with Jesus.  We should be seeing greater works than Jesus because he went to the Father and sent the powerful Holy Spirit to help us.  Jesus said that is what would happen.

We also spent time on each of the things we are told in the scripture should be occurring on a regular basis.

1. Cast out demons (We spent time praying over ENCOUNTER that is coming for this next weekend)

Did you know that over a third of Jesus’ ministry was casting out demons?  I would say that if we are going to minister like Jesus, we need this in our tool box. I certainly don’t look for demonic activity, but it has a way of finding me when people are troubled by darkness.  I want to know I have the ability to help someone get free.

Demons are entities that have a will and they are opportunist who want to impose that will on the people that Jesus died for.  I have had many public experiences where people that are distressed by the unseen spirits, will react in strange manners.

I went to the state fair one year and was in line with my family to give our tickets to someone working the gate and she would not take my ticket.  She took my family’s tickets and then she zoned out.  I had to get in a different line.  As soon as I moved she took the next person’s ticket! I have had people not wait on me at an amusement park but would wait on others around the kiosk.  It may sound strange, but the anointing will drive those spirits to the surface.  They may cry out or zone out or seize out.  This happened to Jesus everywhere He ministered.  You can read about it in the gospels.  You can also read about this happening to Paul and others in the Book of Acts…it’s a great read!!

2. Speak with new tongues

Anyone who feels they don’t know how to pray needs to ask God about being baptized in the power of the Holy Spirit and let Him give you a new prayer language!  I’m glad I don’t have to know what to pray all the time.  I miss a lot in my humanity, but the Holy Spirit doesn’t miss a thing!  He is my best friend and prayer partner.  You can see where this first happened in Acts 2:1-3.

3. Take up serpents (don’t go looking for snakes to prove something, this is just in case you get accosted by one)

When you live in Texas, rattlesnakes and copperheads are in abundance.  Especially in the escarpment where we are.  If fact, there is a home grown book written in our city that says we have these weird genetic extra-large rattlers that are native to this area only.

One morning I was bopping through my garden in my front yard to get to the house to turn on the water for my flowers.  There are some sandstone looking flat walking stones and I was kind of stepping on them.  I was in flip flops and shorts.  I stepped on one stone and brushed my foot lightly across the next one, turned on the hose and started back the way I came.  As I brushed my foot over the stone (for the second time) I saw it as I touched it…it was an over 2 foot copperhead rolled up flat on the stone!  I believe an angel must have had his foot on him.  He didn’t even move.  The scary thing is that I had brushed him twice.  Copperheads are pretty aggressive.  I’m glad the Lord took of my cause!!! I would rather He step on the thing than me getting bit and having to shake off the snake like the Apostle Paul did in the Book of Acts!!! We did get animal control to come get him out of the hole by my house he ran into! Didn’t want to meet him unexpectedly again.

4. If you drink deadly thing it will not harm you.

There are also parts of the world where poison is a homicide of choice.  This was true for early Christians.  Have you ever noticed in the Bible and in History, the rulers had cup bearers?  There was a reason for that.  The cup bearers got to taste the drink before the king.  Yes, they got to take one for the team.  If it was poison, they would die, but the king would be saved.

There are stories of Christians being poisoned and not dying, much to the dismay of their enemies.  These are good scriptures to pray over our food supply as well.

I hope you will pray with me on the September 12 date to be activated in power ministry and gain boldness.


Trinity School of Supernatural Ministry is in full swing.  This is our first year.  Right now I’m teaching New Testament Survey with Christ Wesley our Young Adult Pastor.  The first three weeks I am on the Survey of the Book of Mark.  It’s rich!

So glad you are hanging with me.  If you ever want to pray “live” on a Tuesday night with me, you can go to at 7 pm.  You can even send in your request on that website and I’ll pray with as many as I can at the end of prayer time!


Men ought always to pray and not give up!



September 5 Prayer

September 12 Prayer

Here’s the ENCOUNTER advertisement Trae created for us, beautiful.

© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2017


In our busy world, rest seems to be lower on our priority list. There are many daily demands whether we are full time in the ministry of a church or home moms or working a business. We can certainly live caffeinated! It is easy to adopt the motto of the old hymn, WE WILL WORK TIL JESUS COMES! It may surprise us but God is not against rest.


When He was finished with the work in Genesis on the seventh day, He rested. God even set a designated day in the week for the Israelites to rest. Rest wasn’t just for the people, but for the animals and there was even a rest for a year every seven years for the land.

There are so many things that this rest signifies, but the point today is that God rests and so should we.


Matthew 11:28-30 (NKJV)
28Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

This rest is of course, more than a nap or vacation. This is the rest that Jesus gives a man who has been striving with the sin of his own base nature. This is the greatest rest of all however, the biblical example is still rest.


I took the month of August this year to rest! It has been 13 years since I did a significant step back and hide. There were several very stressful events that the rest has helped me to come to grips with.

During the time of this sabbatical, there are very capable people at Trinity Church who have helped me with the Tuesday night prayer times.



Each of these men and women of God bring a different element to the table.

Pastors Tommy and Miriam are anointed for signs and wonders.

Tina and Letty have been trained up under me for many years and work leading this ministry at Trinity Church with me.

Pastor Steve Boyer is the pastor of our Latin Church and carries a heavy anointing for signs and wonders.

Pastor John Harwell is over our marriage ministry and carries an anointing for healed relationships.

Tawnya Lee writes prayer guides for our denomination and travels all over the world for missions.

And of course, every week there are amazing worship leaders who get in sync with what the Holy Spirit is doing and with the direction of the prayer leader!


I pray you are bless! I know you will be.

I am excited about firing up again. I am planning my next article in “War in Order”. By the time we are finished, I believe you have the ability to be powerful prayer people!



Pastors Tommy and Miriam Evans


Tina Moore and Letty Camarillo


Pastor Steve Boyer


Pastor John Harwell


Tawnya Lee


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2017