Love: God’s Currency for Miracles

This blog is a little different than normal.  I’ve finished a class on Love: God’s Currency for Miracles.  It’s really good material, so I want to make it available to you.

This class is designed to help us with the tension that exists in our hearts concerning the love of God and the justice, holiness, faithfulness of God plus much more. After all, it is hard to please someone if you have no understanding of their expectations.

Though there are many mysteries about the Lord that we will have to be content with, there are many things revealed to us in His Word. Therefore we dive head first into the deep waters of this topic.

Love is recognized in the world as a prominent driving factor in most activities and decisions, yet is represented as fickle in nature. Let the Word of God take the fear out of love, and let love take fear out of you as you enter into these teachings with me.

I hope you enjoy Love: God’s Currency for Miracles.




Class 1: God is Love (10/7/2018)

Class 2: Love’s Grace and Truth (10/14/2018)

Class 3:The Divine Nature and the Law of Love (10/21/2018)

Class 4: Love’s Will: The Power of Choice (10/28/2018)

Class 5: Love: Faith’s Operation and Outflow (11/4/2018)

Class 6: Love’s Perfection (11/11/2018)

Class 7: Love’s Deed (11/18/2018)

Class 8: Love’s Honor (11/25/2018)

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© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2018