Beauty, Wisdom, Temptation

2 Corinthians 11:29 (NKJV)
29Who is weak, and I am not weak? Who is made to stumble, and I do not burn with indignation?

I used to read this verse and not really get what the Apostle Paul was really referring to then I began to invest in people’s spiritual lives. Something that hurts me very deeply is to see people fail in their faith. We hate to think that is possible but unfortunately some have very fragile faith. I found out that my love for them makes me “burn” with indignation when they stumble into a trap.


The Bible is clear that the closer we come to the coming of Jesus back to the earth, the darker things will become. I think we can agree that things are very dark.

In the last month there have been two very high-profile leaders deny their faith. That is very sad because Jesus has not changed. What changed for someone that walks away from the lover of their soul? Did they just wake up one morning and say, “I think I’ll walk away from God today?” I doubt very seriously that is what happened. My most pointed guess is that they lost sight of the beauty. It’s like a spiritual amnesia.

The prayer time of the video for this date is designed to help the people of God not lose sight of the beauty and majesty of the Lord. We also have built into this prayer time, prayer for those that are tempted. It is not a sin to be tempted and it is a fact that temptation will come, therefore, we must pray for one another.

In between beauty and temptation lies “wisdom”. We spend some time praying over wisdom for the people. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom according to the Book of Proverbs.


Before you decide to turn and walk away from your faith, pray with me! Let the Holy Spirit give you courage to continue the race that has been assigned to you. He is your helper, comforter and teacher.

I hope you will hang out with me in prayer.


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2019

Fortifying Prayer Part 1

Fortifying Prayer Part 15

The Ministries of the Church

At 18 years old, I gave my life to Jesus.  It was well into the second year of my salvation when I began to see that Jesus was calling me to be in the ministry.  I didn’t know what that meant at the time because I had never heard of a woman being called to preach.  When I found out that Jesus calls all kinds of people to do all kinds of things, I was so excited! My journey in the ministry began.


At least that is what I thought at the time.  I was from a small town.  I was known in my town as a singer.  I was a star in my town and my goal was to be a star in the world of music.

Just before I was born again, I landed a contract that was for writing and recording.  It was a seven-year commitment.  When I gave my life to Jesus, my priorities changed.  Through a series of events, which I won’t go into now, the trajectory of my life radically changed.  Therefore, wanting to do something BIG for God at that age was probably a lot of me needing to be significant.


What I have learned over forty years of ministry is that it isn’t all about me.  I know that is surprising.  LOL!  But let me put it in a right context.  Jesus gave fabulous gifts (people to help his people) to the church but he never intended that all ministry was done by the professionals.


We get up on Sunday morning, clean up, throw everyone in the car and go to church.  We check in kids at children church and go find our seats.  We sit through a class and listen to teaching (that can be great!) Then we find our seats in the main service.  We stand for worship, maybe we worship, maybe we don’t.  We give in the offering, maybe we give, maybe we don’t.  We listen to a sermon.  Get up, grab the kids and head to lunch.  We might even do this on a mid-week service.  There is a chance we said, “Hi” to a couple people.  If there is a coffee shop at church, we may have gone there.  Then we do it all over again next week.


I am certainly not accusing us of never serving at church.  You may run the nursery or even teach a class.  You may clean the church, drive the bus or wrangle elementary school kids.  But I always hear the quote of the statistic “20% of the people, do 80% of the work” and “20% of the people do 80% of the giving“.  I am wondering if it is even 20%.


Ephesians 4:11-12 (NKJV)
11And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,

Paul seems to write the longest sentences in the world!  So, there are a few more verses to complete fully the thought.

Can you see it?  Jesus gave wonderful gifts in the form of men and women to His church so that the church could be moved to minister and grow up.  He didn’t give us to the church just to showcase our ministries.

I am not against God exalting men and women who have been faithful and using them to His glory, but there should be a string of men and women trailing behind us, doing what we do.  Those of us in the “ministry” as we typically think of it, should be training everyone to minister where ever they are.


This prayer time was designed to pray over the people getting mobilized to minister where ever they spend their time. It could be at church but most likely it is at home, work, play, business, and life in general.  If we are God’s sheep, then we should be healthy sheep reproducing after our kind!  We were made to make impact in our world as a business person who ministers.  Or maybe a truck driver who ministers, or a banker, baker or candlestick maker…who ministers!

If you decide to pray through this prayer time with me just insert your name, your family’s names, and your church into the appropriate places.  I hope you will take this journey with me!


Fortifying Prayer Part 1

Fortifying Prayer Part 14

© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2019