Pastor Prays and the Names of God

This prayer night was special for Gateway Church in Midlothian. Any time the pastor of the church gets up and prays into vision it is a special night. Maybe you are not familiar with how that is done. You will see it on the video of this prayer night. We are beginning to see a touch of the Glory of the Lord. It manifests in a number of ways. There will be visible love for God through the people. The worship is intense. People get healed. They get called into the ministry or to get off the seat and get busy. We are beginning to see all of this happen. The pastor has believed for this for several years. To pray with him tag teaming was great.

When Pastor Shull finishes his part, we begin praying the names of God.

Names revealed a lot about the people in the culture of the Bible. People many times labeled kids with names. Jacob was a heel catcher, thus the name. Esau was red and hairy and the name said it.

God thought so much of names that a number of times in the scriptures we see Him change the name. Jacob was changed from being a cheater to Israel, prince with God. Abram was changed to Abraham which means father of many to signify the legacy that God was going to give him. Sarah laughed with the angel said she would have a baby in her old age and the baby was named “Isaac” which means laughter.

In this prayer time we will pray some of the names of God before we run out of time. We will see Him through His name, “Jehovah Jireh” provider and “Jehovah Rophe” healer.

I hope you will pray with me and experience the majesty of His name!



© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2019

Fortifying Prayer Part 1

Fortifying Prayer Part 17


Fortifying Against Trial

Job 5:6-7 (NKJV)
6For affliction does not come from the dust, Nor does trouble spring from the ground; 7Yet man is born to trouble, As the sparks fly upward.

If anyone knew about having trouble it was Job. Job had it all and lost it all! It is heart-wrenching to live the pain with him. If you can get past the agony, this book has wonderful things about animals and their habits. There are amazing nuggets in the Book of Job!

I used to avoid it because the trouble Job had scared me. Job suffered terribly! As I grew older in the Lord, I realized that this book was pre- Old Covenant and pre-New Covenant. There are so many ways to use our faith in the New Covenant that I am not afraid of this book anymore. In fact, there are many wise observations and conclusions. One of the hefty truths is in the verse above. Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward. That is a picture of us sitting around a camp fire and someone throws on a new log. Sparks fly up! Happens every time. That is how it is with trouble. You can be doing everything right and carrying the flag of the kingdom of God and still have trouble. So, what do we do? We pray about trial. The Book of Job is not the only place that tells us that trouble will come, it says it in the New Testament as well. Jesus, Himself says it in John.

John 16:33 (NKJV)
33These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”


In a way it is. It is good to know that we are not alone. We are not singled out. Trouble is part of the human condition in this world. There will be a day you walk out and may have 2 flats at one time. Or the car won’t start or traffic is annoying. Or maybe something earth shattering happens or threatens you? Do we have any recourse? I believe we do.


Jesus told us in that verse that tribulation or trial will come to us but we can have a happy and peaceful heart because He overcame the world. Why would that matter? Simple, if Jesus overcame the world and remained in joy, you can too. Prayer helps that cause.


I believe there are some trials that will be stopped before they start when we pray. At the very least we can be fortified in our hearts so the trial doesn’t steal our joy or our hope.

Do you ever remember a time you were facing something hard? It was so hard you couldn’t sleep or eat or function normally? Do you remember when that shifted and you were at peace and joy about the matter? You could sleep like a baby (and I don’t mean waking up crying every two hours to eat!) and you felt as though you were in a big feather bed in your heart? Let’s pray the shift before the trouble happens. If you are in the trouble already, let’s believe not only for an answer to your problem, but peace in the midst as you walk it out.

I hope you will pray through this video with me. Put your name or your family’s names in the spots that are appropriate. What ever you are going through, God is greater and He is for us!


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2019

Fortifying Prayer Part 1

Fortifying Prayer Part 16