What’s Going on in America?

These are the strangest times.

Aren’t you wondering what’s going on in America?  It is unprecedented the way people are acting.  I’ve never seen anything like it.

There have always been regional points of view, but the way people are acting makes no sense.  Business has shutdown.  Everyone talks and points to the virus.   Masks are worn everywhere, even when people are by themselves driving in their car.  But the virus isn’t that interesting.  What is interesting is how people are responding to inordinate fear.  Fear that is totally out of proportion for the threat the virus presents.

I recently heard a local pastor discuss this fear.  Here is his talk.


© Copyright Wallace Swayze 2020



I have several friends that want to be notified when a new post comes out on this blog but didn’t see how to do it.  If you look to the right there is a menu you can use to register and receive an email when a new post is made.

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You will only need your email and a password to register.

A lot of people are concerned about clicking links on emails that might take you somewhere you did not actually want to go.  So our notice of a new post is very simple, it is just the URL of the new post with no modification of the address to alleviate those concerns.


My previous post did not go out as an email since it was originally meant to be there temporarily.  The last class I taught asked me for the notes so they could review the material again before the next class met, so we put up the raw audio files for their review.  Then another church asked for the class.  I’ve now decided to make it permanent so the eight classes are available to you if you’d like to participate.

The class is Love: God’s Currency for Miracles.  This is a class for mature believers.  I think you will find it has some meat in it.  The Kingdom of God is fueled by love.  We are going to enjoy this time together.

What better way to enjoy Valentine’s Day that talking about love.


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2019