Keeping Your Authority

In this next installment of the Keys to Supernatural Breakthrough course, we talk about Keeping Your Authority.

Once you know that God is talking to you and keeping a personal relationship with you, how do you not get distracted by the things around you?  How do you keep things in perspective?

As we go through each class of Keeping Your Authority, it will be added to this page.



How Did We Get Here


Authority More Than a Demon


Kingdom of God is Based on Authority


Knowing Your Enemy


What Does the Devil have Authority to Do to You?


When to Start Recognizing You Need to War in Order


Should You Cast Out Demons?


People are People, and We Don’t Know What We Don’t Know


Follow the Order of War

© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2021


This Haunted House Blog

If I talk about the “spirit realm” it is a term that is a great mystery to most people.  Yet the spirit realm is a place close to us that cannot be seen with the human eye.  It has the ability to affect the natural world that we occupy.

I grew up in a small rural town that didn’t have a comprehension of the spirit realm.  Therefore, I had little knowledge about the things that were spiritual except when I began dabbling in the occult.  This included Ouija, tarot, astrology and seances.   I found out the unseen world existed.  It was a dark world.  But it was a world that offered power.  In my limited understanding, it was a world without a savior.  My experiences left me with no idea how the great God of the Bible would even fit into the story. As a kid that didn’t know Jesus as my savior, I had a very skewed vision of the spirit realm.  Over the years I found that the majority of folks have no understanding at all.

The truth is that there are two worlds that collide on a daily basis and most people never understand it is happening.  They have no idea that the great God of the universe, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit reside in this unseen world and they are clueless about the evil that wanders upon the earth, invisible, but wreaking havoc on mankind.

Then on occasions, there are incidents that make people startled or afraid.  They may deal with things that go bump in the night.  Their houses seem to have something living in them that cannot be seen but can be felt.  Or maybe they begin to see some things like shadows or things moving from one place in the house to another.  Or maybe fear grips them in the middle of the night.

After being in the ministry for over 40 years, I have seen many get rude awakenings to the spirit realm by playing with the occult or moving into places that have “ghosts”.  Many have thought they were going crazy or opted to move out of those houses. There are those that sought the help of the church, but few knew what to do.  This pushed people to those that deal with the paranormal without the God of the Bible.

I began to research all the paranormal shows and advice to get an understanding of who were educating the people on the spirit realm.  Much to my surprise, there were dozens of televisions shows, podcasts and written materials that were steering families into the very activity that caused much of the problem to begin with.  However, it was hard to blame the people because the “church world” had failed to provide a solution for the terror they were experiencing.

That is how this booklet came into being.  After many years of me and my teams helping people understand the biblical world view of the spirit realm, it was time to make it available to those that I may never meet.  It was time to explain what it would take to live with a clean and free home without fear.

I have decided to make this booklet available as my gift to you.  It will help you understand what you may be dealing with in your home. It will give you biblical insight into the spirit realm.

It may appear as a radical approach when it seems easier to burn sage and be done with it.  But sage won’t fix what is broken.  Only God can fix what is broken.

I pray you will read to the end.  This is a step by step process showing you what to do.  You will be educated from the Bible on what is happening and what it takes to get your home and family rid of the darkness of the unseen spirit realm that has been invading the atmosphere of your home.  Welcome to This Haunted House.

This Haunted House Booklet Cover
Happy family enters home while something waits upstairs.



© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2020


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