Can God Raise a Dead Cat?

I was saved at 18 years old. I had been living pretty much homeless for a while. After a number of months of being born again, I got very sick and ended up back at home (the Lord said that I needed to learn to obey my parents…go figure!). My sister had been in a little church but had not given her life to Jesus. She wrecked her car and I had to take her everywhere for a season. I would get her in the car and witness to what all God had done for me. After a while, she gave her life to Jesus for real. It was a wonderful time to have her saved loving God with me.

One day we came home to find our teenager cat was dead on the carport. He was stiff. I picked him up. We were so sad. I looked at my sister and said, “Can God raise a dead cat?” She told me that she thought so. So I held the cat as we both touched it and prayed for it to live. The cat jerked, sneezed several times and jumped out of my hands!

A few years ago, my sister said, “I was telling my kids how God raised our dead cat!”

When I was a pastor, I wrote about that miracle in the paper. It made a preacher in that little town so mad he canceled his subscription!

Is it so hard to believe that God would care about the hearts of two young girls who would dare to try and believe that God would do something that mattered to them?


God raising a dead cat may seem frivolous to you if you are facing a life-threatening illness or family problem that is vexing. But it isn’t frivolous and it should be an encouragement to your situation because God has EXTRAVAGANT love that He wants to pour out on you. His EXTRAVAGANT love looks for someone to help who will trust His goodness.


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2018