Fortifying Our Call

We are fortifying the church in the area of our call this week.  As I prayed over the church and prepared to lead her into prayer, I heard the Holy Spirit give me this topic for strategy.

This is to strengthen us against the voice of the devil that challenges our identity as we move forward.  You can be a powerhouse and still find an area of weakness in your humanity concerning your identity.

Maybe you have had this happen.  A voice that sounds a lot like your own, speaks and tells you that “You aren’t saved!” “You aren’t a child of God.”  “God won’t help you or forgive you!”  “You can’t expect answered prayer!”  Does that sound familiar?  If it doesn’t then you aren’t breathing! This is a common tactic.  It is a device of the devil.  It is to convince you that you are not who God says you are.  That way you won’t gain territory and overcome obstacles.  It’s a trick but it works so well that the devil and demons use it over and over again!


Even Jesus was challenged by the devil in the wilderness about who He was.  The devil said, “If you are the son of God…”  Jesus was not that far removed from His baptism.   God, His Father, had spoken from heaven and called Jesus His ‘beloved Son in whom He was well pleased.’  Yet the devil took aim and fired in this deeply significant area.



It wasn’t just that temptation in the wilderness, where the devil came in person to Jesus, he also incited wicked men to constantly question Jesus’ identity as the son of God.  They were relentless.  They were the religious people.  If anyone should have believed Jesus it should have been the leaders and teachers of the law.  Their anger about who Jesus was, the Son of God, was what caused them to push the crucifixion. So identity is a very big deal!


All that to say, don’t be surprised if your identity is challenged as well.  If you ever fully believe what Jesus has said about you and what you can do, it will give the devil heartburn!

I hope you will pray through the video with me.  This will help fortify your life against the pitfalls of identity in Christ “crisis”.  So that on those weak or discouraging days, there is some metal in your soul!

I’m so glad you are hanging out with me!



© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2019

Fortifying Prayer Part 1

Fortifying Prayer Part 7