Jesus the Head of the Church

Ephesians 1:22-23 (NKJV)
22  And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, 23  which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

Over the course of the last number of months, we have done a considerable amount of praying over the “Church”.  That is the body of believers that includes us!  Why are we doing this?  To fortify, build up, and strengthen the church so we can become all that Jesus has told us that we are.

It is important that we rehearse in prayer together what Jesus has said about Himself and us.  We need to be in constant remembrance about our identity.  That is a major place of attack against the mind of the individual believer and of the corporate body.  If we don’t know who we are, we will not know what we can do.  It is a great strategy by the devil, but it is not effective against the Word of God concerning us.

I hope you will pray through this important revelation.  Put in your name, your family’s names, and the name of the church you attend.  When the Word of God permeates your heart and the hearts of those you pray for, the results will be staggering.

You will be encouraged!


Fortifying Prayer Part 1

Fortifying Prayer Part 20

© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2019