Kingdom of God in Action

Have you ever wondered what it is like to see the Kingdom of God in action?

Hi this is Wallace, Lisa’s husband. Our son, Trae, is graduating from CFNI’s third year worship program this week so we have been involved in various activities there like his ministerial certification service and a student written play on the Book of Ruth.


CFNI Credntialing Service

Worship during the CFNI certification service

Lisa waiting on Trae in line

Lisa waiting on Trae to get through the line for his certification

Boaz and Ruth in The Book of Ruth

Boaz and Ruth in The Book of Ruth


All this activity, and discussion, has me thinking about what it really looks like when you walk in the Kingdom of God. We all know that when you get saved you change citizenship to a new kingdom, and the new kingdom has its own rules and laws that are not the same as the kingdom you just left.

The funny thing is that the kingdom is not observable. I remember that Jesus said that the kingdom was not observable, I just always thought that was a cute way of saying it’s in my heart. And what does that mean “It’s in my heart”? It sounds like there is no real substance to it and it is made up.

But the truth is very different. It is unobservable. That doesn’t mean it is not real. It means it works under different rules.

This last year I had the opportunity to watch it happen, and know it was happening as it occurred.

At one of our church campuses, we were handing out school supplies and backpacks for the upcoming school year. As I sat and watched this activity it became obvious that there were more kids than there were backpacks. Since I’m a leader some of the people came to me and asked “what should we do”? I let them know to do nothing different and let it play out.

There were about 20 more youth than there were backpacks.

Since I knew this was happening, I watched very closely. I wondered will I be able to see a backpack get created right before my eyes? Or will we just run out of backpacks, get names, and deal with it later? Every child got a backpack.

I’m watching very closely to see how the backpacks matched up to the children. Nothing happened. Nothing was observable. But there was plenty for every person.

Afterwards, the story became even more dramatic. It turned out there was an older girl who came in and saw there were not enough backpacks for everyone. So she turned around to do something else since it was a waste of her time. All the kids were organized by age so she knew she would not get one but had enough rejection in her life than go through that embarrassment. Lisa was at the front helping orchestrate the event. When the last child picked up their backpack, there was one left on the table. Lisa picked it up and set it behind her at the wall. When she immediately turned back around, it was gone.

We are citizens of another kingdom. Just because we don’t see it or understand it, doesn’t mean it is not real and tangible. I think when Jesus said “seek first the Kingdom of God” that he meant this is really important so I would learn this first.

I’m looking forward to Trae finishing this week at CFNI, and starting next week where the kingdom is needed.

© Copyright Wallace Swayze 2017


Ever Feel Like a Coyote Is After You?

I don’t know anyone personally who wants to be on the losing side of anything. If we are going to go to the trouble to compete, we might as well win, right? That is one thing of which I have total confidence. We are part of something bigger than us and WE ARE ON THE WINNING SIDE.

Tuesday that grew in my heart as I buried myself in the Word of God. We are part of a kingdom that has the winning king! I really felt compelled to pray into the Kingdom of God/Heaven topic.


We know that Jesus told the disciples that they are not heard in prayer just because they speak an abundance of words. We also know chanting syllables over and over isn’t the way to get God’s attention.

Just like us, the disciples wanted Jesus to teach them to pray. They had seen the results of an incredible prayer life though Jesus’ daily ministry and they wanted some of that! When they asked Jesus to teach them He speaks this prayer to them.

Matthew 6:9-13 (NKJV)
9In this manner, therefore, pray: Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. 10Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. 11Give us this day our daily bread. 12And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. 13And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.


So what was Jesus’ point? Well, the rabbis of the day would use this method to teach in topics. That may very well have been what Jesus was doing. He gave them topics to help them know the acceptable way to frame their request.


  1. Our Father (We belong to Him)
  2. Lifting up His name (that is powerful to find out His names and pray them)
  3. Praying for the kingdom to advance and there be a transformation that conforms to the image of Jesus this includes…
  4. Will of God being done, just as it would be done in heaven
  5. Provision for our needs
  6. Getting forgiveness and giving it
  7. Keeping us clear of temptation
  8. Deliverance prayer
  9. Acknowledging the kingdom, the glory and power belong to God forever


But the one that we spent time on Tuesday night was the third one concerning the Kingdom of God/Heaven

I hope you will pray with us…it will encourage you. Just put your name, your family and your church in the prayer. God is listening.


Many of you area familiar with our son, Trae. He sings on the platform at Trinity Church some just so you can put him together with us.

Trae has been going through the CFNI Dallas, TX, third year program for worship. One evening around dusk, he went to the walking track there at the campus. There was a girl running with headphones and another guy there. I don’t know how long Trae was there before something got his attention. He saw the guy running as fast as he could run. Behind him was a big coyote. The coyote began to herd the guy, jumping three feet high in front of him about to bite him. Now Trae isn’t a country boy but he has had a lot of experience with dogs. He said that his brain was thinking real fast, should I run or help this guy and risk getting attacked? While I may have decided to run, Trae made a split decision to help. He slapped his hands together and stood up in front of the coyote. It looked surprised and it slowed it down from the guy then he headed for Trae. Trae knew he shouldn’t run and stood facing him. Then the coyote got distracted by the girl who was jogging along on the track unaware of anything happening. The animal turned toward the girl and now both Trae and the other guy were chasing it trying to get the girls attention. She finally heard them and the coyote now outnumbered ran off into the asphalt jungle. The end!! Weird, huh?! In the city!


I see people every week who feel like they have something hunting them. They feel helpless and hopeless. If that is you, I want to encourage you that Jesus is taking up for you! He is helping you. I have been praying for a revival of the Word of God that allows us to not only dwell in the safety of Jesus but Him to dwell in us as well!


We will begin to pray into the revival of God’s Word in our hearts that will expand our knowledge of Jesus!

Matthew 6:33-34 (NKJV)
33But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


© Copyright Lisa Swayze 2017